SGE Solar is proud to promote UMassFive which participates in the Mass Solar Loan Program. Each loan has great benefits including; equity not being tied up in your home, no closing costs, and a simplified closing process.
UMassFive is one of the few federally-regulated solar lenders in Massachusetts. We recommend Umassfive since other traditional lenders have loan structures that can add a lien on your home, using-up your available equity and making it more difficult to sell or refinance your home.
Also, we recommend Umassfive program – MySolar Loan.
MySolar Loan as an alternate solution for your Solar Financing needs. With higher maximum loan amounts, longer terms, funding for tree work and roof repair, along with generally more flexible terms and conditions. Other solar lenders typically charge origination fees, but not so with the MySolar Loan.
Higher Maximum Loan Amount
With a higher maximum loan amount, you can finance a larger project.
Longer Maximum Terms
A longer term means you have the ability to lower your monthly payments if you spread your payments out over a longer term.
Allowable Costs
Not only does the MySolar Loan cover the cost of installation, but also tree removal and roof repair.
Other Benefits from using Umassfive
Equity Won’t Be Tied Up In Your Home
Adding solar energy in your home won’t tie up any equity in your home.
No Closing Costs
With no origination fees, you’ll enjoy extra savings at the start of the loan.
Simplified Closing Process
UMassFive makes closing on your loan quick and easy. Applying is easy, too. For most loans, the entire process can be performed from the comfort of your home or office within minutes.
SGE will work with you to get everything you need to start the loan process with UMasFive. We’ll work with you to help decide which Solar Financing option is right for you.
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