Solarize109 brings Solar and SRECS to the masses!
Its official! SGE Solar has launched a regional solar group buying campaign effectively called Solarize109.
SGE Solar, as a service to the public, is administering Massachusetts first regional solar buying campaign. Building on the Solarize group buying model, we’re taking it to the next level!
Solarize 109 will focus on the following towns:
Dedham Westwood Norfolk Dover Medway
Sherborn Holliston Medfield Millis Milford
SGE Solar will be coming to each town hosting info-sessions, solar tours, and offering group buying discounts for solar.
Come and learn more about: Solar and how it works, What solar costs and what you’ll save, what the government will pitch in, if solar works when its cloudy, different types of solar panels, different types of financing, and more!
Hear solar industry professionals talk straight about solar. How does it work? How about shade? What about snow? What does it weigh? How much does it cost? What does it look like? How much do they weigh? Do they really work? What does solar cost? How much will it save me? Are there rebates? (YUP!) Sounds complicated, is it? How do I know if I have a good site? What about my roof? Should I replace it? Is it strong enough? Is it big enough? Come get the answers! To learn more call the Solarize109 folks directly at 508-473-8011 or just submit a contact form and we’ll let you know when we’ll be coming to you’re town.